Asymptotic analysis of wall modes in a flexible tube
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India
Corresponding author: a
Published online: 15 August 1998
The stability of wall modes in a flexible tube of radius R surrounded by a viscoelastic material in the region R < r < H R in the high Reynolds number limit is studied using asymptotic techniques. The fluid is a Newtonian fluid, while the wall material is modeled as an incompressible visco-elastic solid. In the limit of high Reynolds number, the vorticity of the wall modes is confined to a region of thickness in the fluid near the wall of the tube, where the small parameter , and the Reynolds number is , ρ and η are the fluid density and viscosity, and V is the maximum fluid velocity. The regime is considered in the asymptotic analysis, where G is the shear modulus of the wall material. In this limit, the ratio of the normal stress and normal displacement in the wall, , is only a function of H and scaled wave number . There are multiple solutions for the growth rate which depend on the parameter . In the limit , which is equivalent to using a zero normal stress boundary condition for the fluid, all the roots have negative real parts, indicating that the wall modes are stable. In the limit , which corresponds to the flow in a rigid tube, the stable roots of previous studies on the flow in a rigid tube are recovered. In addition, there is one root in the limit which does not reduce to any of the rigid tube solutions determined previously. The decay rate of this solution decreases proportional to in the limit , and the frequency increases proportional to .
PACS: 83.50.-v – Deformation; material flow / 47.15.Fe – Stability of laminar flows / 47.60.+i – Flows in ducts, channels, nozzles, and conduits
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag, 1998