Non-equilibrium dynamics of simple spherical spin models
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Heidelberg, Philosophenweg
19, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Published online: 19 October 2012
We investigate the non-equilibrium dynamics of spherical spin models with two-spin interactions. For the exactly solvable models of the d-dimensional spherical ferromagnet and the spherical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) model the asymptotic dynamics has for large times and large waiting times the same formal structure. In the limit of large waiting times we find in both models an intermediate time scale, scaling as a power of the waiting time with an exponent smaller than one, and thus separating the time-translation-invariant short-time dynamics from the aging regime. It is this time scale on which the fluctuation-dissipation theorem is violated. Aging in these models is similar to that observed in spin glasses at the level of correlation functions, but different at the level of response functions, and thus different at the level of experimentally accessible quantities like thermoremanent magnetization.
PACS: 05.20.-y – Classical statistical mechanics / 75.10.Nr – Spin-glass and other random models
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag, 2000