Comparison of density-functional approaches and Monte Carlo simulations for free planar films of liquid 4He
Laboratorio TANDAR, Departamento de Física,
Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica,
Av. del Libertador 8250, RA-1429 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y
Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
Ciudad Universitaria, RA-1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Published online: 15 April 2000
Density functionals proposed in the literature for describing the behaviour of liquid helium at T=0K are examined. In so doing, several properties of the ground states of free films of superfluid 4He are calculated by using zero- and finite-range density functional theories and these results are compared to that computed with Monte Carlo simulations. We mainly focus the attention on the energy per particle of the slabs, the surface tension and the width of the liquid-vacuum interfaces, all as a function of the inverse of coverage. The largest differences are found in the case of the surface widths.
PACS: 61.20.-p – Structure of liquids / 67.70.+n – Films (including physical adsorption) / 68.10.-m – Fluid surfaces and fluid-fluid interfaces
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag, 2000