Growth of entropy stabilized quasicrystals
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Sud,
Bâtiment 510, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France
Published online: 15 November 2000
A simplified version of the model by Elser and Joseph for the process of growth of an entropically stabilized, two-dimensional quasicrystal with no dynamics in the bulk, is proposed. The phason fluctuations are modeled by a scalar field on a periodic lattice. The choice of the master equation for the growth is restricted by the requirement that its detailed balance solution describes the equilibrium fluctuations of the field with a quadratic Hamiltonian. The model is parametrized by the chemical potential bias and the microscopic surface tension coefficient σ. The phase diagram of the system on the plane (σ, ) shows several distinct regimes of growth, separated by relatively narrow transition zones. Within the regions corresponding to these regimes, the phason fluctuations do not depend on and σ. Analytic expressions for the spectra of phason fluctuations are obtained and confirmed by numerical simulation.
PACS: 61.44.Br – Quasicrystals / 81.10.Aj – Theory and models of crystal growth; physics of crystal growth, crystal morphology and orientation
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag, 2000