Ground-state properties of the Falicov-Kimball model in one and two dimensions
Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of
Watsonova 47, 043 53 Košice, Slovakia
Corresponding author: a
Published online: 15 March 2001
A new numerical method is used to study the ground-state properties of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model in one and two dimensions. The resultant solutions are used to examine the phase diagram of the model as well as possibilities for valence and metal-insulator transitions. In one dimension a comprehensive phase diagram of the model is presented. On the base of this phase diagram, the complete picture of valence and metal-insulator transitions is discussed. In two dimensions the structure of ground-state configurations is described for intermediate interactions between f and d electrons. In this region the phase separation and metal-insulator transitions are found at low f-electron concentrations. It is shown that valence transitions exhibit a staircase structure.
PACS: 75.10.Lp – Band and itinerant models / 71.27.+a – Strongly correlated electron systems; heavy fermions / 71.28.+d – Narrow-band systems; intermediate-valence solids / 71.30.+h – Metal-insulator transitions and other electronic transitions
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag, 2001