Regular Article
Nature of optical properties of GdFe3(BO3)4 and GdFe2.1Ga0.9(BO3)4 crystals and other 3d5 antiferromagnets
L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Akademgorodok, 660036
Krasnoyarsk, Russian
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Influence of the partial substitution of paramagnetic Fe3+ ions by diamagnetic Ga3+ ions in the trigonal crystal GdFe3 (BO3)4 on its optical and magnetic properties is studied and discussed in connection with problems common for all antiferromagnets containing 3d5 ions. Polarized optical absorption spectra and linear birefringence of GdFe3 (BO3)4 and GdFe2.1Ga0.9 (BO3)4 single crystals have been measured in the temperature range 85–293 K. Specific heat temperature dependence (2–300 K) and structure of GdFe2.1Ga0.9 (BO3)4 crystal have been also studied. As a result of substitution of 30% Fe to Ga the Neel temperature diminishes from 38 till 16 K, the strong absorption band edge shifts on 860 cm-1 (0.11 eV) to higher energy and the d-d transitions intensity decreases substantially larger than the Fe concentration does. Strong absorption band edge is shown to be due to Mott-Hubbard transitions. Correlation between position of the strong absorption band edge and the Neel temperature of antiferromagnets has been revealed. Properties of the doubly forbidden d-d transitions in the studied crystals and in other antiferromagnets are explained within the framework of the model of the exchange-vibronic pair absorption, which is theoretically analyzed in detail. The model permitted us to determine the connection between parameters of d-d absorption bands (intensity, width and their temperature dependences), on the one hand, and the exchange, spin-orbit and electron-lattice interactions, on the other hand.
Key words: Solid State and Materials
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica and Springer-Verlag, 2012