Regular Article
Modulational instability and gap solitons in periodic ferromagnetic films
College of Physics and Microelectronics Science, Key Laboratory
for Micro-Nano Physics and Technology of Hunan Province, Hunan
University, Changsha
410082, P.R.
Received: 1 February 2012
Published online: 13 April 2012
The modulational instability and gap solitons are theoretically studied in the ferromagnetic films under a periodic magnetic field. By multiple scale expansion, the envelope soliton solutions are obtained naturally. Due to the periodic modulation of dispersion, the solitons may be pushed into the gap region. For the easy-axis magnetic film, the red-shift of frequency leads to a modulational instability in the bottom of band and generates a bright gap soliton. For the easy-plane case, the blue-shift leads to an instability in the top of band and a dark gap soliton emerges. The weak damping produces an attenuation factor and a small oscillation.
Key words: Mesoscopic and Nanoscale Systems
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica and Springer-Verlag, 2012