Regular Article
Photon-field-shape effects on Rabi splitting energies in CuCl microcavities*
Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering,
Osaka City University, Sugimoto,
Sumiyoshi-ku, 558-8585
Received: 25 June 2012
Received in final form: 19 November 2012
Published online: 25 February 2013
We have investigated the photon-field-shape effects on Rabi splitting energies in CuCl microcavities with HfO2/SiO2 distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs). The CuCl active layer was prepared by vacuum deposition, while HfO2 and SiO2 layers were prepared by rf magnetron sputtering. The photon-field shape was tuned to a node-type or an antinode-type by changing the order of the refractive indices in the DBR. In order to control of the Rabi splitting energies, the active-layer thickness was changed from λ/12 to 9λ/20. In angle-resolved reflectance spectra at 10 K, three cavity polaritons resulting from the strong coupling between the Z3 and Z1,2 excitons and cavity photon were clearly detected. We estimated the energies of the exciton-photon interaction, the so-called vacuum Rabi splitting energies, from the analysis of the cavity polariton dispersions using a phenomenological Hamiltonian for the strong exciton-photon coupling. The active-layer-thickness dependence of the Rabi splitting energies are explained by a semi-quantitative analysis taking account of the overlap between the exciton and photon-field wave functions. We have demonstrated that the photon-field shape drastically affects the active-layer-thickness dependence of the Rabi splitting energies.
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica and Springer-Verlag, 2013