Regular Article
Power grid enhanced resilience using proportional and derivative control with delayed feedback
1 Laboratory of Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, Biomimetics and Prototypes and TWAS Research Unit, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Yaoundé I, P.O. Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroon
2 IFISC, Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos (CSIC-UIB), Campus Universitat Illes Balears, 07122 Palma de Mallorca, Spain
3 Applied Physics Research Group (APHY), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Received: 29 August 2016
Received in final form: 16 November 2016
Published online: 16 January 2017
This paper investigates the resilience of an elementary electricity system (machine-generator) under proportional and derivative (PD) control when subject to large perturbations. A particular attention is paid to small power grids, representative of power grid structure in some developing countries. The considered elementary electricity system consists of a consumer (machine), a power plant (generator) and a transmission line. Both Runge-Kutta and Newton methods are used to solve the dynamical equations and the characteristic equations for stability. It is found that the controller increases the resilience of the system. We also show that time delays associated to the feedback loop of the controller have a negative impact on the performance. It is also shown that the asymmetry due to energy demand of different consumers to power plant increases the stability of the system.
Key words: Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag, 2017