Regular Article - Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
Quantum-tunneling transitions and exact statistical mechanics of bistable systems with parametrized Dikandé–Kofané double-well potentials
Laboratory of Research on Advanced Materials and Nonlinear Science (LaRAMaNS), Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Buea, PO Box 63, Buea, Cameroon
Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Nöthnitzer Strasse 38, 01187, Dresden, Germany
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We consider a one-dimensional system of interacting particles (which can be atoms, molecules, ions, etc.), in which particles are subjected to a bistable potential the double-well shape of which is tunable via a shape deformability parameter. Our objective is to examine the impact of shape deformability on the order of transition in quantum tunneling in the bistable system, and on the possible existence of exact solutions to the transfer-integral operator associated with the partition function of the system. The bistable potential is represented by a class composed of three families of parametrized double-well potentials, whose minima and barrier height can be tuned distinctly. It is found that the extra degree of freedom, introduced by the shape deformability parameter, favors a first-order transition in quantum tunneling, in addition to the second-order transition predicted with the model. This first-order transition in quantum tunneling, which is consistent with Chudnovsky’s conjecture of the influence of the shape of the potential barrier on the order of thermally assisted transitions in bistable systems, is shown to occur at a critical value of the shape-deformability parameter which is the same for the three families of parametrized double-well potentials. Concerning the statistical mechanics of the system, the associate partition function is mapped onto a spectral problem by means of the transfer-integral formalism. The condition that the partition function can be exactly integrable, is determined by a criterion enabling exact eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the transfer-integral operator. Analytical expressions of some of these exact eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are given, and the corresponding ground-state wavefunctions are used to compute the probability density which is relevant for calculations of thermodynamic quantities such as the correlation functions and the correlation lengths.
The original online version of this article was revised to add the following affiliation: Present Address: Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Nöthnitzer Strasse 38, 01187 Dresden Germany.
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© The Author(s) 2022. corrected publication 2022
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