Regular Article - Solid State and Materials
Reentrant superconductivity due to inter-band off-diagonal hopping in a two-band superconductivity model
Laboratory of SUPERCOMP, Physics Department, FACYT-UC, Valencia, Venezuela
Departamento de Matemática, CCNE, UFSM, CEP 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
Department of Physics, California State University, 92831, Fullerton, CA, USA
Published online:
We present a possible phase diagram for the superconductivity state in a two-band scenario that includes contributions from the inter-orbital off-diagonal hopping term. Our model accounts for intra-band attractive electron–electron interactions that leads to the formation of superconducting Cooper pairs in each component band and for an inter-band attractive electron–electron interaction responsible for a single superconductive transition temperature in the model. Using a mean field approximation, we obtained an analytical equation for the superconducting critical temperature that includes contributions from a hybridization term due to the mixing of the two electron bands. For a numerical solution of this equation, we considered a band structure that reproduced as much as possible the situation in the Ba
pnictide superconductor material. Our possible phase diagram
vs. N is obtained assuming that Cooper pairs in both electron bands have either s-wave or
-wave symmetry. The main result of our calculation is the existence of a complex phase diagram that at different inter-orbital hopping strengths can have one or two local maxima for the transition critical temperature
. The electron concentration at which these maxima occur in the phase diagram can be tuned using the inter-orbital off-diagonal hopping term.
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