Regular Article - Mesoscopic and Nanoscale Systems
Edge states transport with impurity/defect in the quantum limit: applied to the relativistic quasiparticles systems
College of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Xinyang Normal University, 464000, Xinyang, People’s Republic of China
Engineering Research Center for MXene Energy Storage Materials of Henan Province, Xinyang Normal University, 464000, Xinyang, People’s Republic of China
Published online:
Using the extended scattering matrix method, the authors explore the interference of edge states in the nanoribbon resonant structure with the relativistic quasiparticles in the quantum limit. By varying the chemical potential in the gated region, the structure of the junction, and the number of the scattering impurities/defects, the scattering coefficients of the edge states can be tuned efficiently. In particular, the Fabry–Pérot like interference in the present structure has been found and the phase accumulated highly depends on both the modes propagating vertically to the interface and the modes propagating along the interface. The feature is fundamentally different from the case of the conventional material where the longitudinal resonant states of the narrow constriction give rise to a clear conductance dips. These results are crucial and useful for engineering nanoelectronic devices based on the relativistic quasiparticles systems.
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