Regular Article - Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
End-point singularity of the XY-paramagnetic phase boundary for the D square-lattice –XY model with the single-ion anisotropy
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Okayama University, 700-8530, Okayama, Japan
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The two-dimensional quantum-spin square-lattice –XY model with the single-ion anisotropy D was investigated numerically, placing an emphasis on the end-point singularity of the phase boundary separating the XY and paramagnetic phases in proximity to the fully frustrated point, . We employed the exact diagonalization method to circumvent the negative sign problem of the quantum Monte Carlo method, and evaluated the fidelity susceptibility as a probe to detect the phase transition. As a preliminary survey, for an intermediate value of , the D-driven XY-paramagnetic phase transition was investigated via the probe . It turned out that the criticality belongs to the 3D-XY universality class. Thereby, the data were cast into the crossover-scaling formula with the properly scaled distance from the multi-critical point, . The set of multi-critical indices was obtained, and compared to those of the quantum Lifshitz criticality.
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