Topical Review
Non-additive stochastic model for supercooled liquids: new perspectives for glass science
Centro de Ciências Exatas e das Tecnologias, Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia, Rua Bertioga, 892, 47810-059, Barreiras, Bahia, Brasil
Published online: 12 August 2024
We present a review of the Non-additive Stochastic Model (NSM) for supercooled liquids, an efficient approach for diffusive processes that provide a suitable interpretation for the non-Arrhenius dynamics in these materials. Based on a class of non-homogeneous continuity equations, the NSM provides functions to model the thermal behavior of the viscosity and diffusivity in fragile liquids. The model defines a rigorous physical criterion that distinguishes super-Arrhenius from sub-Arrhenius processes, establishes a robust scale of fragility, describes fragile-to-strong curves in Angell’s plot, and provides an accurate fitting equation for experimental viscosity data as effective as others viscosity classic models.
The author contributed to this work.
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