Regular Article - Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
Effect of weather’s visibility on traffic dynamics: a novel lattice hydrodynamic model for curved roads with passing
Department of Mathematics, MD University, 124001, Rohtak, Haryana, India
CCS Haryana Agriculture University, 125001, Hisar, Haryana, India
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In this research, we investigate the dynamics of traffic flow on curved roads, considering the impact of visibility and passing maneuvers within the framework of a lattice hydrodynamic model. According to the “density-sensitivity” phase analysis, the stable region continues to grow as visibility decreases on curved roads when passing is considered. The analysis reveals that the stability of traffic flow changes with the angle of the curve corresponding to the lattice point, passing coefficient and visibility factor. The mKdV equation describes the propagating pattern of traffic density waves near the critical points. In comparison to Zhou’s and Nagatani’s models, this new model conveys a greater stable zone. The research discloses that the transition from free flow to kink jam happens at a lower passing rate and within the kink jam area, initial perturbations manifest as a kink-antikink wave moving backwards, with decreasing the amplitude of the density profile as the visibility coefficient rises. To verify the theoretical findings, “numerical simulation” has been conducted to examine how the traffic flow evolves in the presence of small disturbances. The analytical results for different passing rates have been discussed, and the effect of visibility on the angle of the curve at a fixed value has been observed. Both numerical simulations and analytical results highlight that visibility with a passing effect on curved roads can efficiently reduce traffic jams.
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