Regular Article - Computational Methods
First-principles study of the electronic structure of 2 H-, 3C-, 4 H-, and 6 H-silicon carbide under strain
School of Microelectronics, Jiangsu Vocational College of Information Technology, No.1 Qianou Road, 214153, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of ASIC Design, No.1 Qianou Road, 214153, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China
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Numerous silicon carbide (SiC) polymorphs are wide-bandgap (BG) and low carrier concentration semiconductors, which have been extensively applied in high-temperature, frequency, power, and voltage electronic and optoelectronic devices. Comprehensively understanding the electronic structure of SiC is of practical significance and an indispensable necessity. In this work, the first-principles calculation based on density functional theory is applied to probe the electronic structures of polymorphs (2 H-, 3C-, 4 H-, and 6 H-) SiC under compressive and tensile strains (). The mechanical properties of 2 H-, 4 H-, and 6 H-SiC exhibit very analogous characteristics: the BGs shrinking with the compressive strain rising; it increasing initially following by decreasing when stretch applied along the [100]-direction. If stretching along the [001]-direction, however, the BGs of 2 H-SiC shows a maximum value at
. The BGs of 4 H-SiC and 6 H-SiC diminish if amplify tensile strain along the [001]-direction. In the case of 3C-SiC, the BGs shrinkages along with the compressing strain intensifying and vanishes finally at
in the [001] and [110]-directions, and in both [001] and [110]-directions the evolution is almost identical and changing linearly. In contrast, the BGs decreases much faster along the [110]-direction compared to the [001]-direction under tensile strain, that disappearing as
in the [110]-direction and
in the [001]-direction. We discuss in detail the mechanical properties and electronic structures evolutions under the strain of 2 H-, 4 H-, 3C-, and 6 H-SiC and expose that have the gigantic potential for practical and research value in valleytronics.
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