Phase transitions in "small"systems
Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin, Bereich Theoretische Physik, Glienickerstrasse 100,
14109 Berlin, Germany and Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Physik, Arnimallee 14,
14159 Berlin, Germany
Published online: 15 May 2000
Traditionally, phase transitions are defined in the thermodynamic limit only. We discuss how phase transitions of first order (with phase separation and surface tension), continuous transitions and (multi)-critical points can be seen and classified for small systems. "Small"systems are systems where the linear dimension is of the characteristic range of the interaction between the particles; i.e. also astrophysical systems are "small"in this sense. Boltzmann defines the entropy as the logarithm of the area of the surface in the mechanical N-body phase space at total energy E. The topology of S(E,N) or more precisely, of the curvature determinant allows the classification of phase transitions without taking the thermodynamic limit. Micro-canonical thermo-statistics and phase transitions will be discussed here for a system coupled by short range forces in another situation where entropy is not extensive. The first calculation of the entire entropy surface S(E,N) for the diluted Potts model (ordinary (q=3)-Potts model plus vacancies) on a square lattice is shown. The regions in {E,N}where D> 0 correspond to pure phases, ordered resp. disordered, and D< 0 represent transitions of first order with phase separation and "surface tension". These regions are bordered by a line with D=0. A line of continuous transitions starts at the critical point of the ordinary (q=3)-Potts model and runs down to a branching point Pm. Along this line vanishes in the direction of the eigenvector of D with the largest eigen-value . It characterizes a maximum of the largest eigenvalue . This corresponds to a critical line where the transition is continuous and the surface tension disappears. Here the neighboring phases are indistinguishable. The region where two or more lines with D=0 cross is the region of the (multi)-critical point. The micro-canonical ensemble allows to put these phenomena entirely on the level of mechanics.
PACS: 05.20.Gg – Classical ensemble theory / 05.50.+q – Lattice theory and statistics (Ising, Potts, etc.) / 05.70.Fh – Phase transitions: general studies
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag, 2000