Regular Article - Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
Cyber-attacks on the optimal velocity and its variation by bifurcation analyses
Institute of Physical Science and Technology, Guangxi University, 530004, Nanning, Guangxi, China
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In this paper, we proposed a car-following model considering the attack on the optimal velocity and its variation. To study the dynamical behaviors of the car-following model, the stability condition of the system is obtained via the linear stability analyses. Bifurcation analyses confirmed the existence of Hopf bifurcation of traffic system. We make use of the instability of the system after Hopf bifurcation to develop the network attack strategy. The main method is to use the definite integral stability (DIS) method to find the attack parameter of the minimum number of unstable eigenvalues in the characteristic equation under the condition of network attack, so as to promote the instability of the traffic system and realize the network attack on the traffic system. By determining the minimum stable delay interval of the system, the network attack controller can be designed. The effectiveness of the network attack on the optimization velocity and the variation of the optimization velocity are verified by numerical simulation. The results show that the network attack with such minimal attack parameter cost will cause the traffic system to become unstable and lead to traffic congestion.
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