Regular Article - Solid State and Materials
Peculiarities of TP-e.m.f. caused by the heating of charge carriers by an electric field in a layered semiconductor n-InSe
Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), 6 Istiglaliyyat Str., 1001, Baku, Azerbaijan
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980, Dubna, Moscow, Russian Federation
Western Caspian University, 1001, Baku, Azerbaijan
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The effect of the external and intracrystalline factors (temperature, light, and the magnitude of the initial dark resistivity of the sample, electric field, chemical nature, and amount of the impurities) on the main characteristics of layered n-InSe crystals was investigated. The thermophoto-e.m.f. (TP-e.m.f.) was observed due to the heating of free charge carriers by an electric field. It has been established that the obtained experimental results differ significantly from spatially homogeneous semiconductors. This deviation increases with an increase in the value of the initial dark resistivity of the sample (ρD0) which depends nonmonotonically on the concentration of the impurity (NREE). Undoped (with the lowest ρD0) and rare-earth-doped (NREE ≥ 5·10–2 at.%) samples were studied under all conditions, as well as at high T0 and I0, and it was determined that the TP-e.m.f. characteristics of hot current carriers (HCC) are the most stable and reproducible. The obtained results satisfactorily correlate with the provisions of the theory of TP-e.m.f. of HCC in spatially homogeneous semiconductors. The dependence of the characteristics of TP-e.m.f. of HCC from ρD0 and NREE clearly explains the deviations compared to spatially homogeneous semiconductors considering the presence of random macroscopic defects in the samples.
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