Regular Article - Solid State and Materials
Electron correlation and magnetic field induced phase transitions in spin-1/2 Falicov–Kimball model on a triangular lattice
Department of Physics, Ewing Christian College, 211003, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India
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We have studied the ground state properties of spin-1/2 Falicov–Kimball model on a triangular lattice in the presence of external magnetic field. Numerical and Monte Carlo simulation methods are employed to obtain the results. We have found that the ground state properties are significantly influenced by the onsite Coulomb correlation between itinerant and localized electrons as well as the orbital magnetic field. Only rational flux fractions are taken into consideration in each unit cell. Transition from metal to insulator phase is accompanied by phase segregation to regular/quasi-regular/mixed phase with change in magnetic field for small values of onsite Coulomb correlation. The external magnetic field facilitates metal to insulator transition even at large values of onsite Coulomb correlation with variation in the number of electrons in the system. The results obtained through this study are applicable to layered triangular lattice systems such as rare earth and transition metal dichalcogenides, cobaltates, , , etc. Further, electric and magnetic sensors and high-energy storage devices can be developed using these results.
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