Regular Article - Solid State and Materials
The effects of δ-doping on GMR in 2DEG modulated with two ferromagnetic stripes of center misalignment
Department of Physics, Longdong University, 745000, Qingyang, Gansu, People’s Republic of China
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Using high precision numerical calculations with an improved transfer matrix method, we calculated the transmission probabilities, the conductance, as well as the modified giant magnetoresistance ratio with δ-doping in several GMR model devices. We also obtained the spectrum of the giant magnetoresistance ratio as a function of the Fermi energy, the dependence of the peak magnetoresistance ratio value, and its Fermi energy position on the weight and the position of the δ-doping. The results are then compared with the previous theoretical calculations and experimental data. The results shows that our results are better than previous theoretical calculations results, and pointed out that some mistakes must be made during the previous theoretical calculation for physical quantities of GMR devices in anti-parallel alignment.
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