Regular Article - Solid State and Materials
Analogous electromagnetically induced transparency with multiband on metasurfaces
School of Information Engineering, Huangshan University, 245041, Huangshan, China
Institute of Semiconductor Technology and Microsystem, Huangshan University, 245041, Huangshan, China
Engineering Technology Research Center of Intelligent Microsystems, AnHui Province, 245041, Huangshan, China
College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 210016, Nanjing, China
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In this paper, a metasurface structure with dual-layer structure was designed. Two vertical metal bars and three U-shaped metal patterns are prepared on substrate of printed circuit board (PCB). By analyzing the transmission comparison with partial of the structure, it was analyzed that the reason for the multiband analogous electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) of the structure is obtained by multimode coupling, and the resonance mechanism of the structure was analyzed by multipole scattering theory. By analyzing the electric field distribution of the structure, the physical mechanism of analogous EIT generation of the structure is obtained. The influence of the structure parameters on analogous EIT phenomena is further analyzed. By comparing the measured results with the calculated results in a microwave anechoic chamber, the results are in good agreement. The structure has potential applications in multiband filter, refractive index sensor, and microwave devices.
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